Best Workout Plan For Weight Loss|| At home

Are you searching for a best workout plan that can burn your calories and help you to look as slim as you want? Do you want to rock every single out you wear? Here is your treat; I will introduce you to the best workout plan for shedding your extra pounds. In no time you will reach your goal. You just need to be consistent with your workout schedule. Weight loss is not easy at all but I will make it easy for you as much as I can. Here I will also share a diet plan with you which will help you in your weight loss journey. Doing workout is not enough if you want to shed your pounds. You also need to eat balance diet. A good diet plays an effective role in weight loss journey. Keep your diet healthy do this workout with consistency and a happy healthy body is yours!

Best workout for weight loss

Diet Plan:

Workout is incomplete without a healthy diet. In your weight loss journey healthy Diet is as needed as doing workout. Eat after intervals; don’t eat before two hours of your bed time. 

weight loss diet

Foods to Add:

  • Add almonds to your diet instead of eating junk snacks, use almonds to fulfill your snack cravings. They are beneficial but tasteful. They are lowest calorie nuts and offer you healthy fat.
  • Veggies are necessary; add broccoli (has no fat) , spinach(rich in vitamin A and C), bell pepper(Fat releaser) and sweet potatoes in your diet
  • Add beans and lenticels in your diet, they are high in protein and fiber and help you to lose fat.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Avoid sugar, cakes, chocolates and sweets etc.
  • Keep yourself away from fast food.
  • Avoid oily things; Fries etc.


Workout Plan to Follow:

Hard work always pays off so be consistent with our workout. This workout plan contains 6 exercises. Don’t skip your workout. Be patient, workouts are tough but remind yourself you have a fitness goal and you have to achieve it.

  • Plank Jacks:

In this workout, our first exercise is plank jacks. It is an all in one exercise as it will target both your upper and lower body and help you to burn calories. Moreover, it will make your core strong.

plank jacks workout

  • Mountain Climber:

It is a very easy to do workout. Just place your hand on the ground and then pretend like you are climbing a mountain; make sure your knees are touching your arms. This will help you to burn your fat and as you are engaging your entire body, it will strengthen your body as well.

mountain climber exercise

  • Cross Lunges:

In this workout plan cross lunges will target your lower body, helps you to attain better metabolism and shred your extra pounds. To do this exercise, stand up straight and then move your one foot until your leg reaches 90 degree angle.

Cross lunges exercise

  • Spine stretch forward:

 This workout will not just help you to reduce weight but also reduce back pain and makes you more flexible. To do the exercise, simply sit on the floor and then round tour body in large C- shaped.

Spine Stretch benefits

  • Squats:

Squats not just burn your calories but also make you strong by strengthening your muscles. Squats also give you a rounded hip. To do squat keep your head up and engage your core and send your hip back and down.

Squats benefits

Triceps Dip:

This is a best workout if you want to lose weight along with toning your muscles. To do this exercise you can use a chair or bench, place your hand on it behind your back and then lower your elbows. May be it will be difficult at start but keep in your mind no pain no gain.

How to do triceps dip?


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